White Pine Healing Arts
Hello friends,
I’ve been working hard to create the new White Pine website. It has now been launched! This means that registration is open for the 2018 Graduate Mentorship Program. The new program will take place through a learning management system called Canvas. I am just so excited by the possibilities that this new platform offers. It is user-friendly and rich with interactive content. You’ll be hearing more about the new course so stay tuned.
I want to take this day of thanksgiving to send out some gratitude to those who have helped me to make White Pine and all it offers possible:
- Lorne Brown at ProD Seminars for constant continued support and enthusiasm. (who wants me to mention reduced prices on ProD through Nov. 24th)
- Christopher Thombs for his artistic sensitivity and technical skill in creating the site.
- All my many many students for giving me the chance to teach.
- All my many many patients for giving me the chance to practice.
- Singing Dragon for supporting me to write.
- Marcy Vaughn, Molly Beverage, Emily Hildebrand, Eran Even, Claudia Citkovitz and the Medicine Girls of NYC, Jennifer Drinker, Phyllis Labanowski, Ruth and Zoe Weizenbaum, my circle of friends who are family, my ponies Jasper and Spencer and the dogs, Oscar and last but not least, my doppelganger, Pumpkin
May you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!
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