Graduates of the Graduate Mentorship Program
We’re so proud of our graduates! Here is a directory of those who have successfully completed the program.
Click to go directly to the graduate.
Listed by year and alphabetical by last name.
2018 Graduates

Jana Bricker
Apex Acupuncture and Wellness, Ltd.
42 Sherwood Terrace | Suite 1
Lake Bluff, IL. 60044
Phone: 847-989-7176

Elaina Greenberg
2001 S. Barrington Ave., Ste. 221
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Shannon Larson
Dr. Shannon Larson, Dr.TCM, R.Ac.
323-1080 Mainland street
Vancouver BC V6B2T4

Laura McGraw
2827 NE Alberta Street
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone: (503) 984-1201
Website: currently under construction

Lisa Pate
Pate Acupuncture
1222 SE Division St.
Portland, OR 97202

Guy Sedan
Mail: Karmon 12 Entrance C,
Jerusalem 96308
Clinic: Dor Dor Vedorshav 1,
Jerusalem 9311718
Tolley Sink
Live Well Acupuncture
7290 Oriole Ln
Longmont, CO 80503
Claus Sørensen
Dragon Rises Denmark
Centrumgaden 9, 1. tv.
2750 Ballerup
2021 Graduates

Matt Bierschbach
Matt Bierschbach, L.Ac. was interested in healing from a young age. As a teenager, he spent his free time volunteering in hospitals, learning how to best help people who were suffering, and explore the type of medicine he wanted to study. He finished Marquette University at the top of his class with a degree in Biomedical Engineering and worked as an intern for over 2 years in Medtronic’s Tachyarrhythmia Research group.
Matt wanted to explore ways to help people before they needed medical device implantation, and was encouraged by several MD’s to seek ways to help people that didn’t involve conventional western medicine. Matt focused on medical research in hopes of accessing the body’s innate healing ability. Feeling like he was just re-inventing the wheel, he decided to delay graduate school and volunteer to teach high school science on the Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona.
Matt enrolled in PCOM in San Diego, and transferred to finish at ACTCM in San Francisco. While in school, he maintained a busy massage practice.
After graduating, Matt studied and practiced across the world, finally landing in Hawaii before returning home to Minnesota in early 2005. Since then he has provided over 2500 treatments each year and spends most of his free time with advanced studies of various healing modalities and continuing education. He has a background in functional medicine and his primary passion is Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM), which is the most complete form of Chinese Medicine.

Joy Blais
Joy earned a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from the Traditional Chinese Medical College of Hawaii in 2011. She is licensed in Oregon and Hawaii and is nationally board certified by NCCAOM in the areas of Acupuncture, Biomedicine, Oriental Medicine, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She has studied with Sharon Weizenbaum at White Pine Institute since 2018 and completed the graduate mentorship program in 2023. Her practice in Tigard, Oregon focuses on treating acute and chronic pain as well as anxiety, depression, digestive issues, and women’s health.

Adam Broder
Earth Brother Wellness
When I was 21, my father passed away from a heart attack at age 52. He was seeing his doctor regularly since he had a more mild heart attack three years prior, and was doing everything he was told. He never smoked or drank, and he ate well and exercised. Having this tragedy happen left me with a healthy skepticism of the modern medical system. I wanted to avoid a similar fate even though I had inherited my father’s genes. This led to an interest in alternative health practices. Even though I was just beginning a career in corporate insurance that would last ten years, I read much about nutrition, yoga and movement, shamanic practices, philosophy, meditation, and medical traditions around the world and throughout history. Eventually I changed my career to pursue acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. I am drawn to this work because it is as effective at removing present discomfort as it is at preventing future health problems. I strive to create an experience of embodiment through the eyes of the natural world, to allow my patients to be who they truly are and to feel the freedom that comes with it.

Tal Carmel
Tal Carmel, MSc. L. Ac. worked 23 years in the aircraft industry till she decided to quit and fulfill her longtime dream and become a Chinese Medicine practitioner.
Tal graduated in 2016 from Broshim Campus in Tel Aviv, Israel, and since then, has practiced Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Shiatsu Massage in a private clinic.
Tal has been in the Graduate Mentorship Program since 2018 and, in 2023, passed the final exam.
In addition, Tal participated in the whole Integral Breath Therapy training program with Carol A. Lampman.
Tal’s clinic is called “In Good Hands,” and this is the feeling Tal tries to give to all her patients by creating a quiet, relaxing, loving, healing space for them and treating them the best she can.
While not working or studying, Tal practices Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong, and enjoys cooking for her family.

Hannah Dwertman
Hannah Dwertman practices acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Cameryn Elliott
Cameryn is a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, where she completed her Masters degree, and Oregon College of Oriental Medicine where she completed her Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. She is also a graduate of the White Pine Graduate Mentorship Program, and has studied internationally in China and Japan.

Thom Heil
Thom first became aware of Chinese medicine when he had stress-related health issues of his own. Western doctors diagnosed the problem but couldn’t find a permanent solution. Within months of seeing an acupuncturist and taking Chinese herbal medicine, his health improved dramatically.
The transformation inspired Thom to leave his high-stress IT job and pursue a career as an acupuncturist. He wanted to help other people reduce their pain and discomfort using the same long-practiced techniques and philosophies that had improved his life.
Since opening his private practice in 2012, Thom has treated patients with acute and chronic pain, sinus and nasal congestion, menstrual irregularities, digestive disorders, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and illnesses after cancer treatment. He has a special interest in treating insulin resistance, including the short- and long-term effects of type 2 diabetes.
Through the Department of Veterans Affairs Community Care Network, Thom works with military veterans suffering from PTSD and service-connected chronic pain.
Thom is a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) in the state of Illinois where he is also active with the Illinois Society of Acupuncturists. He is nationally certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine by the NCCAOM. He graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago.
Phone: (872) 216.9612

Kelly Kaeding
Kelly has a family practice with a specialty in women’s health, pregnancy support, fertility enhancement, pediatrics and digestive issues. Modalities include acupuncture, moxa, Shonishin, herbal medicine, Zero Balancing, and nutrition therapy. Kelly enjoys growing beautiful flowering Chinese herbs in her oasis on North Street in Burlington, VT.
Kelly studied biology and chemistry at Rutgers University, and nutrition at Bastyr University in Seattle, where in 1994 she earned a Master’s of Science degree in Acupuncture. Kelly finished her master’s degree in Cheng Du, China and then spent five years in Vietnam where she started practicing Kung Fu and acupuncture. Kelly spend time in Thailand where she studied Thai bodywork.
Upon returning to the States, Kelly deepened her acupuncture studies with Japanese style acupuncture and Shonishin with Koei Kuwahara Sensei and later Korean style Sa’am acupuncture with Toby Daly. Kelly is certified in Zero Balancing and regularly hosts ZB classes at her office. Kelly has been studying classical Chinese herbal medicine with Sharon Weizenbaum for ten years.

Brian Langston
Medical Herbalist (AHG)
Brian Langston, B.S., Eastern Medical Herbalist – Registered Herbalist (AHG)
Chinese Herbal Consultation; Ayurvedic Dietary Recommendations
I’m a Medical Herbalist practicing in Phoenix, Arizona, for eight years.
I have completed and passed my first round of the GMP and continue to sharpen my diagnostic skills and treatment principles by participating in the GMP for a second time so I will be able to address my clients’ needs more precisely.
With the recent Covid epidemic I was able to help many people resolve their Covid related health issues with various herbal formulas.
Working with all ages and genders, I have great success with most health issues within one to three visits. Because I use tinctures, many times my clients feel better during their first visit.
My tai chi and qigong practice help me continue to develop my own personal relationship with my inner and outer world which adds to my abilities as a practitioner and compassionate human.
I have a burning passion for learning Classical Chinese Medicine as I experience the power of seeing the invisible as a way to address the visible.
Though I did put many aspects of my life on hold for the first two years through the GMP, which did coincide with the pandemic which was fortuitous, I look forward to bringing back a more balanced life through continuing my playful aspects of hiking, boating, biking, and just messing about.
Phone: (602) 400-4594

Sylvie Perera
I have been traditionally trained in the UK and China – acupuncture took over 3 years full time and herbal medicine took another 5 years of study. Since 2006 I’ve had a practice initially in London, UK and now in Sydney, Australia. Whilst in the UK I volunteered at the Nightingale Community Hospice Trust treating people who’s lives had been touched by cancer. I have done further training in bereavement and in fertility.

Erin Potter
Erin Potter is a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner (R.TCM.P.) and the owner of Jade Wellness. In 2005 she graduated from the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver as a doctor of TCM. She then completed a post-graduate program in Chengdu, China where she studied acupuncture, internal medicine and the foundation of Chinese Medicine in the classical literature.
In 2016, Erin began studying under Sharon Weizenbaum, embracing the classical approach to understanding and utilizing Chinese medicine. This training has not only refined her skills in herbal medicine but has also enriched her ability to provide comprehensive and holistic care to her patients.
After more than a decade of building her practice, Erin discovered Saam acupuncture – a style developed by a Buddhist monk in the mid 17th century. By incorporating Saam into her practice, she has opened new avenues for healing and transformation.
In 2007, Erin began her practice in Revelstoke.

Chelsea Prescott
Chelsea Prescott studied acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine at Victoria University. Completing her Acupuncture degree with Honors in 1997 and Herbal degree in 1999. As part of her degree, she took part in an internship at Liao Ning teaching Hospital in Shen Yang, China. Chelsea has always run a general practice and loves to work with complex cases, Women’s health, and pediatrics. In the last few years, she has been drawn toward classical Chinese medicine, learning from Ann Cecil Sterman and completing the graduate mentorship program with Sharon Weizenbaum. She is a lecturer and supervisor at Endeavour College of Natural Medicine. Chelsea lives and runs a practice in the beautiful Adelaide Hills in South Australia.
To find out more about Chelsea:

Molly Shapiro
I came to study Chinese Medicine because it helped me personally with my health. I graduated from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) San Diego in 2009. While studying at PCOM I was a patient and assistant in the private practice of Z’ev Rosenberg. This was my introduction to classical herbal formulas, and this classical approach is one that I strive to bring to my practice. During my last year at PCOM, I completed rotations with the digestive and pulmonary units at the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chengdu, China.
I am an herbalist at heart and enjoy working with patients on digestive complaints, chronic pain, and women’s health-related concerns. I’ve been studying with Sharon Weizenbaum in her Graduate Mentorship Program since 2018 and attend regular herbal conferences and seminars. I use Classical Chinese Medicine diagnosis and herbal treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine style acupuncture. Examinations include tongue, pulse, and Fukushin abdominal diagnosis. I am licensed in Maryland and California and a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
I continue to be inspired and motivated by the medicine, my patients, and the learning process. I have been in private practice in Bethesda, Maryland, since 2010 and live there with my partner and two children.